Sunday, July 19, 2009

Woman swallows Mobile Phone during an Argument

'Hello! Is that the Police? Can you put me through to the Desk Sergeant, please?'

In the US, the Blue Spring Police are investigating an incident in which it is said that a young lady purposely swallowed a mobile phone
during an argument with her boy friend.

Apparently, she did not want to give the mobile phone to her boy friend. Police got a phone call from her boyfriend, probably from another mobile phone, saying that his girlfriend had swallowed the mobile phone and that she was having trouble in breathing, and texting.

A hospital spokesman said; 'Her vital signs are good and we still have a strong signal but we don't have a complete picture yet. She's on 'Call Back' so we will know more later.''

Police are not sure why the 24 year women swallowed the mobile phone. Whether there was an assault by her boyfriend or she had purposely swallowed the mobile to retain possession of it, at least for 24 hours.

The police haven’t made any arrest regarding this case because they are not sure whether the incident is an accident or a planned assault. A spokesman said; 'We will let it pass, this time but if it happens again, we will look further into it.'

The victim refused to comment on the whole incident but did say that it had left a bad taste in her mouth. I guess we just have to wait on Nature to call!

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