Friday, December 11, 2009

Icebergs can never stay together, there's too much going on under the surface

Alas it will end in floods of tears, when icebergs meet.

Whereas, if an iceberg and a tropical island meet they will be well matched.

Either, the iceberg will melt and bond with the island or the island will dissolve into the iceberg. It may only be a luke warm and gritty relationship but at least they are together.

The Romantic Entanglement of Geographical Features.

That's what happens when you study diverse subjects at school e.g. Geography and Psychology, a bizarre hybrid knowledge is created. Brought together by an unholy alliance, a deviant educationist who can manipulate and distort a vulnerable curriculum.

Tune in next week, when our next speaker will be talking about his inventions, following completion of his studies into Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Handicrafts.

He will demonstrate his new treatment for exzema, using a cortisone impregnated woolen cardigan, embroidered with silk ribbons and nouveau embroidery anglaise. Tres chic! and effective!

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