Friday, March 26, 2010

Dutch Patient Flies across room in a hospital bedstead

A patient in the Dutch city of the Hague was being wheeled into the MRI scanner room for a routine procedure when suddenly, his bed was lifted into the air and flew across the room, slamming into the scanner.

Not surprisingly, the patient received severe bruising and suffered from shock. The hospital bed remained stuck to the scanner for 5 days before it could be removed. It required the specialist knowledge of the MRI manufacturing company and a team of service engineers, to de-magnetise the unit and rescue the bed.

One can only imagine that both the hospital bed and more importantly the MRI scanner, were out of action for the duration of the 'service call.'

The hospital claims to have changed it's procedures to prevent this happening again but you know that the door is now open for the junior medical staff to use this as an extreme sport.

Picture this, a strong bunji rope with one end attached to the wall and the other end attached to a metal waistcoat. Put on the waistcoat and move as close to the MRI scanner as you dare, so that the attraction of the magnetism and the attraction of the bunji rope balance out. Now your hovering in suspended animation.

Course, if you get it wrong......

This is a true story. Check out it out here, but beware it is in Dutch!

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