Friday, December 7, 2012

A Robotic Car To Quiet His Annoying Parrot

The car (called the BirdBuggy) is electric, with the forward wheels powered and casters at the rear.

The parrot has a perch, and controls the car with a four-way joystick that moves the car forward and backward, and turns it left and right.

In addition to the beak-operated stick, the car can be placed in a robotic mode to seek out its charging station via camera-based computer vision.

Also, the car has bump sensors and an infrared collision avoidance system, since birds aren't exactly terrific drivers.

One huge innovation I think will eventually find its way into mainstream vehicles is a special holder below the perch for newspaper, to allow for more hygienic shitting while driving. Who wouldn't love a feature like that in your own car? You'd save a fortune on floor mats.

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