Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Goldfish Hotel At Schiphol Airport Amsterdam

A free goldfish hotel will give the fish the time of their lives They will not have to share rooms; every fish will have its own aquarium.
However, not every goldfish is eligible. The hotel is only available to fish whose owners have booked holidays with travel agency D-Reizen.
In addition, Schiphol Plaza will be getting its own aquarium, with 80 permanent residents. The giant fish tank has been made to look like a hotel, so that the fish can enjoy facilities like tennis courts and a swimming pool.
There are also rumours of a Hedgehog Sanctuary to be establish at London's Heathrow but that would be just plain silly!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Amsterdam: Sex Business Face Price Cuts & Crisis

Ingrida, a young prostitute in Amsterdam's red-light district, threatens and gestures angrily in the direction of a rival who has slashed her rates as the economic crisis forces sex tourists to haggle.
"She is too cheap! People like her make it very difficult for the rest of us. It costs me a lot of money to look this cheap!" scowled the leggy, blonde as she dragged seductively on her cigarette. She sat relaxed on her best asset. Talking openly in her skimpy black-and-white lingerie, all the while taking time to pose seductively for the men passing outside the window. This is her office, showroom and workshop combined. The undressed window where she plies her trade and in which she displays and flaunts her talents. The show must go on, well into the night!
More for Less
"Some of the girls are now doing it for 30 euro but I keep my price at 50 euro. The men are playing us off against each other. Some want to pay only 20 euro," she said.
Ingrida is not the only one complaining. As the credit crunch keeps away sight-seers and business travellers, the owners of brothels, escort agencies and sex shops all grumble that those visitors who still do indulge in the pleasures of the flesh are increasingly hard-assed and tight-fisted. Two things not welcome here.

Sex shop takings
"Things are bad," lamented salesman Dave Doeve. He owns Casa Rosso sex shop in the middle of Amsterdam's brazen red-light district where neon-lit prostitutes' windows normally draw hordes of tourists. "There are not so many people around, as you can see and those who come only buy small things, novelty balloons, trinkets ... only cheap things."
Who's your Daddy?
The most popular items are the luminous condoms (for Star Trek fans). Men like to switch off the lights and pretend they are Luke Skywalker and perform mock fighting with their 'light sabres'. Unfortunately most women only see what appears to be a rather depressed and slightly elongated glow bug! Some men have been known to be slapped unceremoniously with fly swats, which can be OK!
Reduced Expense Accounts hit Brothels
Clients, voyeurs and tourists (can you tell the difference?) walk around Amsterdam's red-light district where prostitutes are exposing themselves in the shop windows. Brothel owner Willy van der Sloot, herself a former prostitute, said she had never seen the sex market so depressed. "Before, the punters had big expense accounts from which they could subtract their 'meals' and the like. Nowadays, their bosses are not so generous. We are all in the same economic boat."
The Voice of VER
According to Andre van Dorst, director of the Netherlands' VER sex industry association, turnover had dropped 30 to 40 percent over the last year.

"Eating and drinking are the very last things people save on, followed by sex, both are basic needs (but not necessarily in that order, surely!). In these difficult economic times, people frequent restaurants less and supermarkets more, just as they opt for less glamorous (more tacky?) sex clubs," said van Dorst.
De Rode Draad
Metje Blaak, spokeswoman for De Rode Draad (The Red Thread) sex workers' representative group, said clients were "paying less and demanding more and the girls often have no choice but to discount their prices. They have to pay the rent."

Prostitute Numbers Reduced
Last December, Amsterdam's city officials announced plans to half the total 482 prostitutes' windows in the centre in a multi-million revamp that would also involve shuttering many cannabis-vending coffee shops another tourist ‘draw-card’, closely related to prostitution.
Officials claim the two vices, in themselves not illegal, attract elements of organised crime but observers have pointed to a rise in support of right-wing Dutch conservatism.
No Tax Incentives Offered
Blaak warned that these changes, coupled with the economic recession, was forcing the industry underground as sex workers struggling to make ends meet abandon the regulated environment to avoid having to pay window rent and the 35 percent income tax.
"You are already seeing more women walking the streets," said Blaak. "The economic crisis is changing the character of the industry. Previously, the women were in charge (with the city fathers in the background), now it is the men who call the shots."
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Open Zoos benefit both people and animals
Singapore Zoo
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A visitor feeds a giraffe at the Singapore Zoo |
Singapore Zoo has a compelling alternative approach to wildlife. It is an "open concept" zoo, which means the animals are enclosed in natural settings and mainly separated from visitors by moats or low fences rather than iron bars. The result of this approach is an incredibly immediate experience of the animals, as if you were in the wild with them. |
Steve Irwin's Family Zoo, Queensland
Australia Zoo, Queensland
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A Tasmanian Devil |
Think of derring-do with wild animals and the late crocodile hunter, TV hunk and wildlife expert Steve Irwin comes to mind. Since Irwin's death in 2006, his family has run the zoo he set up, set over 70 acres of bushland on the Sunshine Coast, 45 minutes' drive north of Brisbane. |
No Sea Lions here but look out for SEA TIGERS!
Beauval Zoo, near St Aignan, France
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White SEA Tigers are one of Beauval's biggest attractions |
Part of the appeal of Beauval Zoo is seeing exotic species such as snow leopards, white tigers and orang-utan in the improbable setting of rural France, with its cultivated fields and demurely aged towns. Another attraction for British visitors is the zoo's proximity to the UK. |
Paula Schera - Aboriganal Style art

South East Asia, The Philippines and the islands of the Indian Ocean

Greater detail from the larger picture, showing the composition.
Corruption for the Corrupt!

Extending Deadlines!
The Corrupted-Files company, sells unreadable Word, Excel and PowerPoint files to students and others who in turn submit them to professors, bosses or clients in the hope that the files won't be opened and "the problem" discovered until they have had a chance to actually finish that term paper or work project or 'whatever!'
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Grafitti School 101: Spray Painting and Vandalism for the under 10's
Did your kids' start their vacation today? Oh God, how can we entertain the kids and keep them off the streets? What will amuse and stimulate their growing and creative spirits?
Here is the perfect answer! Spray Painting, Vandalism and Grafitti classes for the under 10's.
Now if they are going to be defacing the buildings they will do it with artistic flair and aplomb!
Please note that the kids can only reach half way up the boards, even with the help of an acquired stool. We can confirm that the higher grafitti was the work of the accompanying teachers and adults, who seemed very adept at it. Hmmm!
Perhaps it was one of them that sprayed our neighbour's window with 'Die Bitch!', or maybe it was just homework, allegedly.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Dutch cyclist explodes with excitement in Amsterdam

Finals Championship against the Orlando Magic outside the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California.
Michal Czerwonka/EPA
Horns a plenty! Stag night over!

Ilya Naymushin/Reuters
First Aboriginal Eleven Cricket team

The side toured England in 1868, nine years before the first Ashes series.
This Saturday a team of Aboriginal cricketers sets off for Britain to follow in their footsteps
Living on the Water - Amsterdam's new Ijburg district
Amsterdam is a heavily populated city that is constantly expanding. One of the most ambitious urban projects to appear in the Netherlands in a generation is IJburg.
Located to the east of the city centre, IJburg rises out of the water on new artificial islands in IJssel Lake. One of many reclaimed from the sea.
Floating houses are basically concrete frames. They're built in a factory and then towed to IJburg. The owners lease a water plot for 50 years for about 120,000 euros. This is great business. Selling water locations and taxing the people who live on it.
The municipality plans to sell over 100 water plots to the private sector on one side of the inlet, while a local housing association plans to build a similar number on the opposite side. About a dozen families are already living in the floating houses.
Rik Uijlenhoet moved in to his floating house last October. His sleeping quarters are located below the surface of the water, and when he comes upstairs in the morning, he still marvels every day at the view he enjoys but wait until the mosquitoes find him.
Life on a Dutch Barge

Today, many ships that once transported wheat and coal on the inland waterways are considered too small for freight. But many have been given a new lease of life and have been converted into canal homes.
Most of the barges on the Dutch canals are between 14 and 30m long, and 2.5 and 5m wide, drawing between 0.6 and 1.4m and those with flat bottoms have significant floor space, making the life on board, ideal. And, if you fancy sailing your ship, it is possible to travel on inland waterways from the Netherlands through Belgium to the South of France, to Bulgaria, to Russia and down through the Ukraine to the Black and Caspian Seas! More....
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Tokyo and Kobe Beef: high steaks!

It is the finest place in the world to treat yourself to Kobe beef (and we mean treat, meals cost around US$370 per person). Its hand-fed beef comes from a single nearby farm, and it melts in your mouth, as it should at that price.
Undersea Food in the Maldives

The interior is an incredible tunnel of sea, surrounded on all sides by blue, shoals of fish, coral, rays and even sharks. Cuisine is western with a Maldivian twist (yes, seafood does feature), and the tasting menu is 23 courses long (US$250).
We know what they make of the fish but what do the fish make of them, looking in.
Mexico's finest navy seal finds Cocaine infested sharks!

*Jesus asked that his identity be kept secret for security reasons. His voice is being dubbed by an out-of-work Mexican character actor, who also sells time-share in his spare time.
Enforcement Officers cut open more than 20 shark carcasses filled with slabs of the narcotic drug after checking a container ship in the southern Mexican state of Yucatan.
Creative concealment
Drug gangs are coming up with increasingly creative and disgusting ways of getting drugs into the United States, in sealed beer cans, religious statues and furniture, as Mexico's military might cracks down on the cartels moving the South American narcotics north.
Presidental backing
Mail Order Brides! What are the risks?

Schwarzenegger jet makes "steep" emergency landing
Friday, June 19, 2009
Mum's a Tiger!

One of the three new Amur tiger cubs, as yet unnamed, with mum Sasha, after they were born on May 11 at Highland Wildlife Park in Kingussie, near Aviemore.
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Clone Ranger Barks again

Trust, Valor, Prodigy, Solace and Deja Vu are clones of Trakr, a German shepherd that with his handler was one of the first to arrive and begin searching for survivors on September 12, 2001 at the site of the World Trade Center. Trakr located the last human survivor rescued from the rubble.
The dogs were cloned by California firm BioArts International, in collaboration with South Korea's SooAm Biotech Research Foundation, directed by disgraced scientist Woo-Suk Hwang .
Trakr died earlier this year. His owner James Symington, a former Canadian police officer, said that one of the clones - Trust - was an exact replica of Trakr.
"The physical similarities are uncanny," he told AFP. "He's the spitting image of the Trakr that I first met in 1995. He has exactly the same markings, the way he moves, everything. Very alert, very intelligent and intuitive." Remember that cloning is not a way of raising the dead.
There are plenty of reasons why you might want to clone an animal - it may be an endangered species, a prize livestock animal, or a champion racehorse - you may want to retain its unique genetic characteristics but doing it to resurrect a beloved companion is a very dubious reason.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
No Sex, We're German and in Credit crunch!

Like many other sex industries across Europe, German sex workers are feeling the pinch and pain of the economic crisis, with many turning to the streets to earn some extra cash.
Times are hard down at Berlin's Pussy Club, where a new all-in service is on offer: 70 euros for girls, drinks and food.
Like many of its counterparts, the brothel has been hit by the credit crunch and has had to come up with its own stimulus package for a trade that was legalised in Germany seven years ago.
The Belle Escort, another Berlin brothel, has never before faced problems, but the current financial crisis has triggered a sharp decline in clientele, said its owner Isabelle.
The Belle Escort Special Offering!
Isabelle rejected the idea of "special deal prostitution" as offered by the Pussy Club but admitted: "We're in trouble. I'd estimate that we have at least 20 percent less people coming here.”
Monika Heitmann works for a support network for prostitutes in Bremen and can only confirm the problems the industry is facing.
"If customers can't even afford to spend money on housing, food and cars, then how can we expect them to spend money on sex?" she asked.
Heitmann has worked with prostitutes for over 20 years and says that business has been going downhill over that time.
"Thirty years ago prostitutes were really dedicated to their work," she said, adding that desperation was now forcing women into the sex trade.
FKK Sudfass is spent
At the beginning of this year, the owner of Frankfurt's oldest brothel, the FKK Sudfass, was forced to sell up after 37 years.
The building will be converted into a hotel over the next year.
The Social stigmas persist
Since 2001, prostitution in Germany has been legal and is relatively widespread, especially in big cities like Berlin, Munich and Hamburg, where women tout for business in the show windows of the infamous St. Pauli district.

The St. Pauli District Hamburger
"There are a lot of women who come here and just don't know how to get on," Heitmann said. "The crisis means that customers want more service for less money. They're becoming pushy and even blackmailing the ladies."
Hoping for more success, many women are driven from the clubs to the curbs to sell their bodies on their own terms.
An increasing number of men on a tight budget are also picking up prostitutes on street corners rather than in pricey brothels or "Eros Centres." This uncontrolled street trade is riskier for all
Subsidised sex
Some Eros Centres have been forced to shut their doors and, in January, sex-shop owners and porn producers pushed for state aid, taking their lead from the crisis-hit auto and banking industries. Erotic trade federation official Uwe Kaltenberg, said that "economic aid would be judicious."
Heitmann is now afraid that flagging and waning turnover could damage the industry's reputation even more and that back-street prostitution could escalate.
Barbara Kavemann, professor at the Berlin Research Institute for Social Science and Women Studies, said the full impact of the financial crisis could not be determined because there was no firm evidence or hard data.
"Firstly, prostitutes don't legally have to be registered, and secondly, who defines who is a prostitute?" said Kavemann.
Isabelle and other brothel owners do not need empirical data or definitions to confirm the impact of the credit crunch on the sex industry has been hard.
"The only thing we can do now is keep our fingers crossed instead and hope for better times," she said, "and obviously I wouldn't say no to a state-funded cash injection."

Turning tricks for less: credit crunch hits Amsterdam's red-light district

Ingrida, a young prostitute in Amsterdam's red-light district, threatens and gestures angrily in the direction of a rival who has slashed her rates as the economic crisis forces sex tourists to haggle.
"She is too cheap! People like her make it very difficult for the rest of us. It costs me a lot of money to look this cheap!" scowled the leggy, blonde as she dragged seductively on her cigarette. She sat relaxed on her best asset. Talking openly in her skimpy black-and-white lingerie, all the while taking time to pose seductively for the men passing outside the window. This is her office, showroom and workshop combined. The undressed window where she plies her trade and in which she displays and flaunts her talents. The show must go on, well into the night!
More for Less
"Some of the girls are now doing it for 30 euro but I keep my price at 50 euro. The men are playing us off against each other. Some want to pay only 20 euro," she said.
Ingrida is not the only one complaining. As the credit crunch keeps away sight-seers and business travellers, the owners of brothels, escort agencies and sex shops all grumble that those visitors who still do indulge in the pleasures of the flesh are increasingly hard-assed and tight-fisted. Two things not welcome here.

Sex shop takings
"Things are bad," lamented salesman Dave Doeve. He owns Casa Rosso sex shop in the middle of Amsterdam's brazen red-light district where neon-lit prostitutes' windows normally draw hordes of tourists. "There are not so many people around, as you can see and those who come only buy small things, novelty balloons, trinkets ... only cheap things."
Who's your Daddy?
The most popular items are the luminous condoms (for Star Trek fans). Men like to switch off the lights and pretend they are Luke Skywalker and perform mock fighting with their 'light sabres'. Unfortunately most women only see what appears to be a rather depressed and slightly elongated glow bug! Some men have been known to be slapped unceremoniously with fly swats, which can be OK!
Reduced Expense Accounts hit Brothels
Clients, voyeurs and tourists (can you tell the difference?) walk around Amsterdam's red-light district where prostitutes are exposing themselves in the shop windows. Brothel owner Willy van der Sloot, herself a former prostitute, said she had never seen the sex market so depressed. "Before, the punters had big expense accounts from which they could subtract their 'meals' and the like. Nowadays, their bosses are not so generous. We are all in the same economic boat."
The Voice of VER
According to Andre van Dorst, director of the Netherlands' VER sex industry association, turnover had dropped 30 to 40 percent over the last year.

"Eating and drinking are the very last things people save on, followed by sex, both are basic needs (but not necessarily in that order, surely!). In these difficult economic times, people frequent restaurants less and supermarkets more, just as they opt for less glamorous (more tacky?) sex clubs," said van Dorst.
De Rode Draad
Metje Blaak, spokeswoman for De Rode Draad (The Red Thread) sex workers' representative group, said clients were "paying less and demanding more and the girls often have no choice but to discount their prices. They have to pay the rent."

Prostitute Numbers Cut
Last December, Amsterdam's city officials announced plans to half the total 482 prostitutes' windows in the centre in a multi-million revamp that would also involve shuttering many cannabis-vending coffee shops another tourist ‘draw-card’, closely related to prostitution.
Officials claim the two vices, in themselves not illegal, attract elements of organised crime but observers have pointed to a rise in support of right-wing Dutch conservatism.
No Tax Incentives Offered
Blaak warned that these changes, coupled with the economic recession, was forcing the industry underground as sex workers struggling to make ends meet abandon the regulated environment to avoid having to pay window rent and the 35 percent income tax.
"You are already seeing more women walking the streets," said Blaak. "The economic crisis is changing the character of the industry. Previously, the women were in charge (with the city fathers in the background), now it is the men who call the shots."
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Microsoft Home Circumcision package available now!

The goal of the project is to curb the transmission of HIV in two of the AIDS hotspots of the world, as circumcision has been shown to more than halve the risk of men becoming infected.
Funded for five years through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the programme is the first to massively scale up provision of circumcision by fully trained medical practitioners.
Traditional methods of circumcision sometimes harm and even kill boys and young men. The network of 250 teams of providers will be managed by Population Services International, a global health organisation based in Washington, DC.
A badly performed circumcision can also leave you emotionally scarred for life! So, always consult an expert or someone claiming to be an expert, with a legitimate looking certificate pasted to his car or trailer. Here are some things to look out for;
Circumcision Tips:
- Don't let your kids try this at home
- Don't practice on your pets or your kid brother
- Safety razors are no good for this purpose, no matter how convenient
- Box cutters or Carpet knives are very good for this but don't ask the carpet fitter to do it for you
- Never attempt a home circumcision when suffering from a coughing fit or hay fever attack
- Get references; check his previous work, don't just accept the poster sized pictures on his bathroom wall. take your own pictures
- Ask if he has discounted rates with cosmetic, restorative or spare part surgeons; this would be a bad thing
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Bender the Girder Bending PC

Photo: Wymenfan.com
Berlin Wall inspired couture

The students are modelling their designs in Berlin next to the wall's original location.
The fashion has been well accepted by the media and famous personalities alike. Lekker?

Friday, June 12, 2009
Yak Wrestling Season Starts!

I'm afraid this one remembers you from last year sir and is playing hard to get!
You know what they say; If your obvious charm and silver tongued wit doesn't dis-arm them, then just grab 'em and wrestle them to the ground.
Hi Mark! Is this bringing back any memories of late nights in the mountains and Dutch women?
6 Thinking Hats? We have many more!

Each hat represents a piece of unique knowledge, insightful understanding or a wise dome, allegedly!
Summer showers!

The players wait patiently on the field!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Weird Mice You will Want

Entry #1 in our list of Mice That Will Get You Fired comes from Swiss trinketeer Pat Says Now, maker of a wide array of novelty computer mice. (Some of these mouse-torsos come clothed in tiny, tight-fitting sweaters emblazoned with the logos of various soccer teams, but as the product description reads, "Your mouse needs to take off her shirt for working properly.") And if using it doesn't earn you a trip to HR, well, someone at your place of employment is not working properly.

Entry #2 on our list of Mice That Will Get You Fired: This mouse in the shape of a Sig Sauer P230 handgun from CyberGun. While it doesn't in fact shoot any projectiles, it should be creepy enough to keep most co-workers from interacting with you at all—until security comes to escort you from the premises.

If there were any insect rights groups they would be up in antennae over these new mice that contain real animals imprisoned in clear acrylic resin. Pictured here are the beetle and spider models; also available are mice containing real starfish, scorpions, and crabs. It's a great idea if you don't mind resting your palm on a dead bug.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Unusual Mice: Computer attached

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
You Fat Bustard!
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pa.press.net |
A project to reintroduce the great bustard, a bird which became extinct in the UK in the 19th century, has taken a "huge step" forward with the first successful hatching of wild chicks.
The new arrivals mark the first successful breeding attempts for the bird in this country since 1832, according to the Great Bustard Group which has been working to bring the species back.
So far at least three chicks in two nests have hatched.
David Waters, the man behind the reintroduction of great bustards to Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, described the appearance of the chicks as "absolutely brilliant".
Mr Waters, a former policeman who founded the Great Bustard Group in 1998, has dedicated his time to bringing back the "spectacular" bird to one of its former strongholds.