Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Can you check the oil while your at it!

Looks like you flooded the engine, son! Well Pa! The tide wasn't around when I parked the car!

Ok Class! Can we spot how many Hazards and Risks are present in this situation? Discuss!

Don't worry the Police are looking into it!

Yeah mate! Can you check the oil for me when you're down there?

Hi, Is that the breakdown people? Good! It's not a big problem. I think the lock's frozen!

I was trying to clean out the pool for ye, but ended up in the deep end! And you from the shallow end of the gene pool too!

I think he jumped the lights! Now that's what I call a traffic 'jam'! Could you check the exhaust, while it's up there?

You could always get the the snow train but I think its running a bit 'off piste' today!

Ah well! Looks like the only way home now!

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