Saturday, July 11, 2009

Crop Circles: Communicating with the Stars

Britain’s oddest crop circles (Image © M & Y Agency Ltd/Rex Features)
An intricate crop circle of a dragonfly landed in a barley field in the village of Yatesbury, Wiltshire in June 2009. According to crop circle enthusiasts, the 150ft long design was been created in an attempt make people more aware of the threat of climate change.

Britain’s oddest crop circles (Image © Steve Alexander/Rex Features)
The crop circle phenomenon hit the headlines, when a unique design which, appeared to be a random collection of standing circular clumps contained within it a rectangle shape. This was discovered in a field in Chilbolton, Hampshire. Inspection from a greater distance revealed a face staring out from the field.

Britain’s oddest crop circles (Image © Steve Alexander/Rex Features)
When a cryptic binary message appeared in the form of a crop circle in West Kennett Longbarrow, Wiltshire, this crop circle depicting birds in flight was created just one mile away in response.

Britain’s oddest crop circles (Image © Steve Alexander/Rex Features)
The crop circle, which depicts the Mayan calendar, appeared in a field in Weylands Smithy, Wiltshire

Britain’s oddest crop circles (Image © M & Y Agency Ltd/Rex Features)
This ornately-designed crop circle appeared in a field in Wiltshire.

Jellyfish crop circle baffles Britain (Image © M & Y Agency Ltd/Rex Features)
One of the most intriguing crop circles ever seen in Britain appeared in a barley field in Oxfordshire. The 250m (600ft) design in the shape of a giant jellyfish, which turned up in a field near Ashbury, is believed to be the first of its kind in the world.

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